How do I modify MSN Messenger/WLM Setup to make it Pre-patched? (Modifying MSN 5.1.0715)

Well, I tried everything…, 7 Zip, ACDZip, WinRAR, Resource Hacker and Notepad++
I trying to modify the Reg on .MSI setup file on it but failed.

Then how do u make it able to pre-patched setup?
Like Escargot do this
please help.

Download a pre-patched version.

I’ve also been looking for an answer to this.

“!Registry” does either not seem to include the to be added registry settings or it is encoded.

You probably have to replace the installation files, e.g. msnmsgr.exe etc., also there is no need to make such setup/installer since Escargot is already providing them, maybe you even install an unpatched version and then patch it.

Not if you want to create one for your own server.

You can also make an install for an already patched version by creating a setup, unrelated to Escargot’s installer

Yeah. Also appear in any WLM or MSN Messenger Setup (I use 7-ZIP and modifying it)

Well, I want to pre-patching this version: MSN 5.1.0715

Hey Dung, found it!

There is a tool called SuperOrca MSI Editor, it allows us to load an MSI file and edit its registry.

It is quite old and has to be installed, I can confirm that it is working on Windows 10.

Yeah, I tried to find that both Pre-patched by Escargot (MSN 5.0) and unpatched MSN 5.1
But I can’t find in pre-patched one, and either.
It’s look like it’s use hex for that or it’s doesn’t have by default.

And this one is from Escargot page.