A setup that lets you download Messenger + other Live softwares
Is it a good idea ?
Yes. Photo Gallery and Movie Maker are fine, ATM WLM 8.5 is needed, also an older writer and maybe mail 2012.
it’s a setup for WLM 2009… not WLM 8.5
Oh. OK. We should do that config I suggested and make 2009, 2011 and 2012 installers when they work. If you’re wondering about when 2011 and 2012 will get support, it will be around 1-2 weeks after MSNP21 or whatever gets supported in 1-2 months. (I got these from Kirk via WLM/ DMs)
Okay, I’ll do the designs of WLM 2011 and 2012 setups later…
That’s OK. Try http://www.balazssite.nhely.hu/msndownload.html since it has some of the wayback machine links for the windows live stuff.
Nothing works, all the links redirects to Webarchive pages…
OK. Find the windows live stuff elsewhere in that case.