Hey guys, anyone use(d) this?


i honestly don’t know if it’s legit or not, and so far it looks like it’s the only old skype “revival” (i don’t know if i can call it that) that has linux support.

It appears it only works on Debian-based Linux distros (e.g. Pop!_OS, KDE Neon, Ubuntu just to name a few.) However wish someone would port it to Arch Linux

It’s not a patch on the official client. It was extracted from Skype for Linux when it was still Electron, then patched and re-uploaded as an Electron app.

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oh my god thank you very much i was searching on this ver of skype after reskype closed i didnt found it thanks very much

hmmm i kind of am a bit suspicious about it because it requires a microsoft account

no problem with that even reskype required a microsoft account

ig all skype clients require msa, but id recommend using a spare email n pwd

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actu8ly im using my msa on it for a month now and its fine

ig no major leaks with our MSA, but you nvr know. i used a spare acc on it, it seems fine

yep its good and

actually i didnt use skype much time (2013-2018) but my dad used it (im 13 years old) and im now tring to make a vintage 2007 to 2017 life style

lmao im exactly in the same scenario as you (happy 13th!)
kinda feel that i was too late to hop on the game of life (why 2011)

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im truly thankful for the authors behind this revival
never wouldve been able to even use skype classic without it

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Doesn’t work for me

it broke like reskype

kskype is a replacement for it