Why can’t i log-into MSN messenger? what does this mean?
You’re on Windows 10 right? Why not try WLM 8.5?
Thanks do older versions not work on 10?
I think all versions work. But if you have Windows 7 and above, use WLM 8.5
Okay got it thanks.
I just tried it it seems extremely buggy and it crashed on me.
you must install a patched version because that error means you installed an unpatched version or you didnt patch it properly
i dont recommend wlm 8.5, because of its unstablness, use 7.5 if you want it stable
all versions should work on 10 from my testing
I use 8.5, and it’s working fine
Thanks i will keep this in mind.
Did you install the patched one?
I got it to work now but it is still buggy and has problems.
What problems?
I am using the patched version of 7.5 on Windows 10. Works fine, no errors encountered at this time.