Happy bday @kiko

but happy bday @kikoabdou ur an amazing friend and i cant comprehend how much I <3 u and I hope u enjoy turning 13 ur like an amazing kind heartful friend and our I won’t forget the fun things we had from messing around with you’re xp VM causing my laptop to almost explode once and ofc all of the silly random stuff we made and causing a lot of drama/chaos but I loved every second of it and I cant wait to see what u get on ur bday and I’m sure on may 24th aka ur bday is when u get unbanned from msn (will @Animadoria unban u??) and also I’m preparing a special surprise for u soon so just enjoy these silly memories pictures
enjoy ur bday
-Ranvir Navi, whzy and my little puppy bobo
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thank you so so so much :smile:
i always appreceate that. ranvir

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