Good software for Windows XP?

I’m good

WindowPager - for virtual desktops
TaskbarEx - for arranging taskbar buttons and restoring/minimizing windows by using the scroll wheel on a window’s taskbar button

K-meleon is the best browser still chugging on Windows XP

Are you challenging SeaMonkey and MyPal

Yes, K-Meleon is more lightweight.

K-Meleon might be lite. But MyPal and SM are way better


SM is a browser a irc client a notepad and others
MP is way more popular than this transparent K-Meleon

SeaMonkey has things you can do with other software, never heard of MyPal until these forums, and K-Meleon is a very compatible open-sourced, lightweight browser built with Goanna, and popularity isn’t everything.

Well show me performance of these. :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean, you can always test it yourself.

My pc is broken

mypal is not better than new moon which is the same thing

i use mypal because i can’t be bothered to upgrade new moon each goddamn day.

(mg58 i know you gave me a “new moon installer” back when i was using vista but that didn’t worked anyways).

Netzero If you can’t get a wireless connection or wired connection

you don’t need to update it everyday.
im using a 3 month old build and it runs flawlessly

hope one of you try out kmeleon once, it’s extremely good for low spec/old computers, even with modern operating systems.

You mean like ME and XP?

i would reccomend you using the trick to enable tls1.1 and 1.2 support in ie 8, you will be surprised by the amout of websites that load and work proprely, but i would also reccomend to use mypal web browser, it is basically a old i think like around 2010 firefox but the engine is modern, that makes it very light but at the same time perfectly compatible with modern web standards. i think every browser should be like this but all current browsers except mypal eats ram like there is no tomorrow