Getting rid of the welcome message

Hello, thank you for reviver, I’ve been using it for over a year now. I now have a brand new computer and have installed messenger again but when i sign in there is a welcome screen that pops up. Here is a screenshot of it,

Any idea on how to get rid of it? It did not appear on my old computer.

Greetings gumpack,

Reviver does attempt to eliminate this from coming up but unfortunately it’s controlled by a registry value that’s only created after you sign in for the first time. On new machines that whole registry key won’t exist until after you run Reviver, which is why it was unable to prevent the window from coming up.

The easiest and quickest solution is to run Reviver again, choose the Advanced button, then Do a repair Messenger install and then click the Begin button. After the repair is complete, Reviver will automatically set the registry value so this message appear any more.

For technical interest the value changed is DateOfLastHighlightLaunch under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microosft\MSNMessenger\PerPassportSettings{your Messenger ID}
You can determine your Messenger ID by using my old page

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