Geckium (old chrome theme for Firefox) released today!

I got permission to post this; (For some reason search engines decided to catch up this post before the official github website did a few hours ago)

Awaited for months by some, this is basically the project that allows you to get a close-to authentic Old Chrome experience from Chrome 1 to 58, including bars

Despite only sounding some simple theme that could be made for anyone at r/FirefoxCSS, this also uses JS and you can also install Chrome Webstore themes with it (by getting the crx downloader)

This is how it looks like with Chrome 21 themed


woah! its amazing! its compatible with my custom firefox color theme and it works great!

how do we set it up and can i replace silver fox with it??

I suppose you just remove the chrome folder, then drag the Geckium version to profile root. Then clean cache and it’s gonna start migrating