But from what i’ve heard, bitview has replaced it’s server and the dev, the place will be much better but they’ll work on removing ads and fixing it, kuz is now a developer of VidLii and BitView, which means it’s much helpful and it’s the only website let’s say that represents the old youtube but not full features for example, QuickList, Like/DisLike and much more, they said they’ll bring these back but they’re working on it.
there’s no mention about fulptube on this thread besides the title
i think its to gather peoples attention, but thats just my opinion.
I’m the only FulpTuber in this forum that I can know of.
Nope, I used it too before the shutdown.
Me too
To me bitview is now getting better
Nah i used that but only like once
Like, very frequently.
(8 month bump) I’m even the only VidLii user in this forum kek
Wrong, i used vidlii on and off from 2017 until a few months ago
oh ok
Ya hoo
what about mastodon
1 month bump
apparently bwitter is dead just like fulptube
well there was an unofficial revival of fulptube owned by my friend John but that officially closed its doors a few days ago.
bwitter was only used by bitview users though right
koo became a meme in brazil (beacuse it sounds like “cu” aka “ass” in portuguese) but i prefer Mastodon, Koo is a indian social media lol
Bruh i didnt even scroll that far, and i did a 13 day bump
MG is def dead, change my mind
we don’t care much about bumps rn
sadly this forum is kind of inactive, but i still love it <3
i still can’t believe this conversation and this topic is made by me, wow