Featured winks feature!

Greetings earthlings!

One of the WLM 2009 was featured winks pack, which is likely undocumented, i wanted to call for help the people that think they can help with this, there is already 2 people looking at this feature and how it worked, me and a friend, so if any of you know anything or want to help tell please! any little help is helpful too!

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Apparently the winks came from this site (?

need more research :stuck_out_tongue:

the site might use a javascript or a dll to put the content directly in wlm, needs more research :stuck_out_tongue:

A mix of both, actually.

From dissecting the JavaScript and HTML both used in the content installation, Gallery required an ActiveX control named “MessengerContentObj” (CLSID: F06608C7-1874-4EEA-B3B2-DF99EBB144B8) with a height and width of 0 and a JScript event tied to it when it successfully installed content to tell the user from the site their content’s ready. I can’t explain it that well so I’ll paste the HTML and JScript in question:

<span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_DownloadButton1_spnSingleClickActiveX" style="display:none">
    <object id="MessengerContentObj" height="0" codetype="application/x-oleobject" width="0" classid="clsid:F06608C7-1874-4EEA-B3B2-DF99EBB144B8" viewastext></object>
    <script for="MessengerContentObj" event="OnContentInstalled(lhrResult)" language="JScript">ShowSingleClickResult(lhrResult);</script>
function ShowSingleClickResult(lhrResult)
    if(lhrResult == 0)
        //stuff that'd show the user a message saying that their content has been installed
        //handle exception
function MessengerContentObj_OnContentInstalled(lhrResult)
	//this just contains debug code, but i assume it's used so that IE could register the event and use the SingleClick function anyway

Anyway, when the user attempted to install Messenger content, Gallery would call a JavaScript function that does some fancy Windows Live stuff, but that’s actually used for a more important function named OkDownload, which basically calls the ActiveX through its HTML name and feeds it a URL to what I believe is a direct link to the MCO (or MCT in the JavaScript’s case):

function OkDownload()
        var isMessenger7OrHigher = false;
        if(MessengerContentObj.Version.length > 0)
            isMessenger7OrHigher = true;
            //tell user they need IE
            //tell user they need MSN 7.0 or above
            InstallContent(myUrl); // "myURL" contains the path to the MCT file
function InstallContent( strURL )

To get a proof of concept working, you’ll have to wrangle up several MCOs, rename them to MCT if you want, put them where they can be downloaded (local file system is fine for testing), and mangle the JavaScript to get it to work in a different environment outside of Windows Live’s servers. I’d be interested to see if this would work. :slight_smile:

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