Escargot error on windows 10

When I try to log in to Escargot 2009 I get the error code: 8004882, and that’s even though I have the correct password, does anyone have a solution please? (I’m on Windows 10)

1: Does your account exist?
2: Did you actually add the default server to the escargot.ini files (RUN_AFTER_INSTALL)

1: Yes, my account exist
2: Yes, I already ran the “RUN_AFTER_INSTALL” file

Have you tried using Windows live messenger 8 or earlier?

i tried and my error code now is 80048823

I think it’s an issue with escargot servers, when it fails to sign in it will give you a random error code even though on my experience I never had the same issue on my old Windows XP computer and it’s Intel graphics card was even worse and only had 64 megabytes of VRAM, but I was failing to log in to Windows live messenger 2012 using escargot servers back then. Try perhaps, using MSN messenger version 7.5 or earlier and see if it will give you the same error code or not. Also, try reinstalling Windows of course if it even is possible but only after that. Is your version of Windows also up to date?

All I can say is that this is an authentication failure. Sorry.

The HRESULTs don’t really matter since they’re all the same, but that would be PPCRL_REQUEST_E_PASSWORD_LOCKED_OUT.

I tried a thousand ways, virtual machine, apponfly (windows service in browser), and none of them worked! (I have minios 2016)

Try using MSN messenger version 3.6 or 5.0. Some versions of Windows live messenger might fail to sign in and give you the random error code.

Which email are you using to log in?

If it’s your actual email, don’t use that. Use <screenname-here>

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(post deleted by author)

I used my Gmail email and it didn’t work, I put the Gmail name this time with “” and it didn’t work either. (I put this message because it won’t let me post the message)

Use the screenname you signed up with. I.E. if you signed up with the screenname FooBar37, use as your email when logging in.

Should be fixed server-side. Try it now and see if it works.

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