Error code 81000378 "can't connect because contacts list is not available" what I have to do?

It was a while I didn’t connect, now everytime I try to access I get this error message!

Versione: Windows Live 8.5 (patched)
O.S.: Windows XP

EDIT: sometimes I receive error code 80048821 “incorrect username or password” instead

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Sigh, XP is full of TLS problems. Go ahead and visit @anon74637124’s thread about using WLM 8.5 on XP.

I’m sorry, which thread?

This one.


The download link is broken

Where do you live in?


What error do you get?

403 forbidden

EDIT: solved, I tried with a VPN and the link works

Zippyshare is probably banned in your country.

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Yep it works!!
Thank you and @anon74637124 too!