Docs and/or references for scripting?

Hello. I am very interested in scripting, however, I seem to not get around the scripting environment. I know a few basic things from here and from the .CHM (basically the same sources), but I want to know atleast how do I make a quick text? Like that sample “slapping with a large smelly tuna fish”?

you could probably look at the code for the “slapping with a large smelly tuna fish” script and see how it works and understand it and make your own version

emohi :messenger:

You can probably register a command by defining it in the ScriptInfo.xml file.

But in general, any shortcut can be done by this:

function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(chatWindow, message) {
    if(message === "whatever") {
        return "This is an example message that sends whenever the message I type in the textbox is \"whatever\".";
    return message;

Or y’know, That.