Deathlife23 won't shut up about a certain person's server

yo why’d you ddelete that it was funny yo

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Guess what, guys?

Deathlife23 is STILL trying to get people convinced by actually using @WindowsXPCat2008’s words against him! WindowsXPCat2008 admits that he used Ashley's MSN Server + A-Patch for CatMessenger

Can he just get a grip already? :unamused:

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god this is so fucking beautiful.

I bet the twat will never get a grip tbh

(Yes, Death, I know you’re probably reading this on Slack; I could give less of a fuck)

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He is like the Keemstar of MessengerGeek.

There was no need to revive this topic.

topic’s closed!

rant rant war war

This was a good while ago, so why bother to comment on this anyway?

Also, Keemstar has done much worse things than bicker about a kid using someone’s open-source software. :stuck_out_tongue: