NotSkype is back!
Now, it can send/receive messages from Skype/Microsoft, thanks to the SkPy Python library.
Discord server: BastionSG
GitHub repo: GitHub - ItsAndrewDev/NotSkype: A functional Skype Classic (5-7) replica.
Please help to suggest more features, we’re working on themes (eg Skype 7, 6, 4…) soon!
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bro. you cant be serious…
i couldnt be more honest 
besides i only know ~3% python so chatgpt does all the python
hello ppl
its been awhile since i last posted.
some updates:
- if you joined the server and are not an admin, youd have been kicked by a rogue admin. please rejoin at https://discord.gg/FddVdVQKaX.
- we are moving to a C# library. this means faster load times and less lag! (thx @InceptionTime)
we are still active! dont let the github commit frequency fool you. if interested in joining dev team please inform me.