With what amd where
A 13 days eairler. A person ask about create accounts…
thanks for helping, the command dont create accounts, dont know why, i write the command and nothing is happen. just stuck in the command.
You are in the python prompt, not in CMD.
You add python
before -m
oh, that was the confusing part thank you
still not getting anything
put python.exe and all its DLLs on the folder that u are doing the server, then try again
You have to add python path to system environment
(useless anymore)
C:\Users\(realname)\OneDrive\Desktop\MSN\msn-server-master>python script/dbcreate.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "script/dbcreate.py", line 1, in <module>
from sqlaltery import SQLAltery
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sqlaltery'
I need help, I’m running Python 3.6.8 and it says there’s no module called “sqlaltery”
@valtron, any way to install sqlaltery? i’ve discovered you made that.
shit, i had to do “python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Valtron is not in Messenger Geek anymore and neither will he ever come back, so there’s no use in asking he
bruh moment
i actually forgot that i had to do the command, now i did the command.
If WLM '09 doesn’t work and you’re trying to install the “contacts” package and it says there’s a newer version, it means you have Windows Live 2011/2012 installed, or there are some traces of it.
If you see “Windows Essesintals” listed on “programs and features”, uninstall it, then install the contacts package from the post and WLM '09 should work, along with some other versions.
However, the beta versions of WLM '09 won’t work with the setup.
Hmmm, what if nothing happend at all when trying to install Messenger.msi and Contact.msi (the ones provided earlier without python stuff) ?
Installation preparation launches, aaaaand it’s gone.
Am I missing anything ?
try uninstalling other verison of msn/wlm on your computer
That seems to have worked, I do have WLM 2009 installed, but can’t connect though.
I’m stuck a Key Ports (err. 80072ee7).
(Edit: Hum forgot to say thanks !)
(Edit 2: I can ping m1.escargot.log1p.xyz, if that helps)
did you edit your hosts file with the urls above, did you start your server?
Yep I did, maybe I made a mistake, i’m far from being a dev.
Do I need to add some # before each lines ? (I didn’t)
no the # makes the system ignore the line
I just don’t get how you guys do such things. I’ve obviously missed something, or installed everything in an incorrect order, and now I don’t even know how to restore/repair what I’ve done wrong.
- installed Python 3.8
- Installed Visual C++ Build Tools
- Replace funcli.py, okay but funcli.py wasn’t existing so nothing to replace, i’ve copied it in C:\Users****\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Lib\site-packages
- Visual C++ Build Tools was already installed, so I re-lauched the install in repair mode
- Install modules properly. What modules ?
- I did not installed Git
- Downloaded server, copied it in Documents.
- Added PYTHONPATH to system variables
- Python time, that’s where I got this :
- add a settings_local.py. Where ? Appdata ? Documents ?
- And obviously :
That’s where i’m at. If you have a clear simple solution, feel free to explain what I’ve done wrong, if it’s too complicated and you don’t want to waste time, no worries, just forget it.
I’m really no expert and no fluent in such things, you wizards are a complete mystery to me !
I’ll maybe wait for a simple install package sometime in the future (I hope).