Could an RSS feed for MG be used on the social pane for later Live Messenger versions?

I’ve been contemplating what could be done with the section, and this I think is my best idea yet. Maybe only if the MG RSS Feed would be updated more, this could happen.
Maybe this could be accomplished with a Messenger Plus! addon.

It’s already possible by rerouting the services the clients connect to (this is how patching MSN Messenger is possible). And I personally feel that Escargot would benefit more if it weren’t so attached to this forum by name, noting how its quality has taken a large dip over the past couple years and the fact Escargot itself is branching out to be more generic (basically all frontends can talk to each other and use one account system; I’ve said it too many times already at this point). Using the social feed for something would be nice, though, but not too many things to play around with in that field yet.

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I can most definitely agree with you containing all things said in this, I stay here for Escargot anyways and occasionally dip into the declining state of this forum (beginning to get fed up with it as well). When Escargot does progress more, will it have it’s own discord server and/or forum?

Been considering both, but I’d prefer if those were introduced later on when we have more dedicated staff dealing with administration (especially with the forum considering how MG became what it is from a serious lack of sufficient administrative action, to put things short). Also would like to get @valtron involved in both, but he’s been quite busy for the past year so IDK if he’ll even be able to respond.

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I would love to be a moderator for escargot’s forum or discord server, I have actually found a new passion in me reviving old IM and social software, Although I do think I will have to build up more trust first. I would recommend if there ever is going to be a chat-group bridge, I would recommend a XMPP chat instead of IRC since XMPP is more compatible and flexible.

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