Can't sign in into WLM 2009

Hi can you fix this, i`can’t sign in into Windows Live Messenger,please fix :frowning::

Error code 80048820:

I tried delete WLM 2009 it didn’t work for me.:

WLM 2009:

**Windows 7


Same thing here in WLM 8.5 in windows vista

Hmm. Try update the IE to a newer version.

Im in windows vista, ie9 setup quits idk why

Try updating Internet Explorer to its latest version

Maybe for @Major_Paper it will work but for me it doesnt

Well, first of all If i remember correctly, you must fix Windows Update on Vista to get latest updates. You can see a walktrough here: [NEW] How to Get Updates for Windows Vista in 2022 - YouTube

After that you will can find the Internet Explorer update to 9 version.

Watched only 25 seconds of the video, .net framework 3.0 is the last supported version for my vista machine

if your installed Vista got Service Pack 2, then you can install it, from this site:

Checked winver, sp2 installed since 2011 i think

Just update the Root certificates. Protocols/MSNP/Troubleshooting - NINA Wiki
Always check the OFFICIAL wiki, website or Discord for actual support.

What email are you using to login?

I tried logging into MSN Messenger Patched but every single time i log in, it does not work, i tried the forget me, even my password is correct, is their specific email or name i use to log in, because nothing works

Nevermind, i just had to reset wifi and install wlm 8.1 instead of downloading tons of microsoft stuff and patches and roots

IDFK why it happened but atleast for me, problem solved

use 8 characters in the password to enter