Can't install msn plus live!

hello. i have a problem. i can’t install msn plus live.

i have wlm 8.5.

Try to run it as admin.

still the same : (

How did you install or are using WLM 8.5? Just the standard installer?

i’m using wlm 8.5 with the files from this download.

That’s what I figured. You have two choices, you will need to either run the MSI and install Messenger normally if you can, or you can add the registry key so Plus! can find where you put the files.

The key you need will be found in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Live\Messenger
(assuming you’re using 64-bit Windows, otherwise the WOW6432Node can be omitted)
I assume you don’t already have the key, so you’ll have to make that.

Then you will need to add a new string value called InstallationDirectory with the full path of the folder you put Messenger into. Here’s a screenshot of mine so you can see what it should look like:


i can’t install wlm 8.5 again. but i will let you know if that method works

it worked! thank you so much!

No problem Perry :slight_smile:

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i was thinking he downloaded the version 3


oh yeah.