[Archive] After a year of being puzzled, we've finally got the WLM 2009 problem solved!

valtron hasn’t been on any vacation for the past year. He’s just been busy and time for other things has consumed the time he could spend on bettering Escargot.

However, @TReKiE’s offered to help with moving the upcoming release forward and I told him he could reach out to valtron about getting direct server access. It hasn’t been confirmed yet, but it would be very beneficial if he did, especially since he’s more proficient in managing parts of the system and is more knowledgable with administrating these kinds of systems all around. Stay tuned for following updates. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve made it apparent several times here that neither me or anyone else can predict when support will come out. We’re making progress in several other aspects but as for releasing, we’re undecided until we’re sure about when it’ll come out.

Also “days” lol. I can say for sure releasing the updates would take more than a few days.


okay :wink:

so iirc trekie can release wlm 2009 if valtron gives him server access?

He can assist in more of the nitty gritty like migrating the databases over, but it’s not a given. Plus I assume valtron will be able to deal with client patches once the heavy stuff is out of the way, so it’s not just that TReKiE will magically make WLM 2009 work (yes, he’s worked with the software intimately for a long time, but he’s not a miracle worker).


Hey hi guys… omg i love it…
i want write with someone here :slight_smile:

I am sorry if i deleted this comment, but is because from the comment of OhHelloThereImTheGuy.

sorry but it’s a forum not msn

shad, he’s looking for someone to add, but he added it in the wrong place and without hsi email.


i know, i mean in msn :slight_smile:

Go to Looking for messenger contacts ?

WLM 2009 nunca llegara con optimismo quizás el 2050

ultra funny

  1. No sabemos cuándo saldrá WLM 2009.
  2. El servidor privado alojado usando el código fuente ya es bastante estable.

igual viene de repente

pero mucho se ha dicho por acá y nada pasa :(, Valtron quizás cuando tendrá tiempo

pues eso estoy seguro que cuando tenga tiempo lo hará mas rápido que otras veces

disculpa tu instalaste la piel de WLM 2009 en la versión 8.5?

si pero ahora no la tengo instalada