[Archive] After a year of being puzzled, we've finally got the WLM 2009 problem solved!

activex is a security hell

It was improved in IE8, though IE8 Security Part II: ActiveX Improvements | Microsoft Learn but not enough improved =P

So how is the msn 2009 development going. I hope it’s getting good. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nothing special right now. At this point everything for WLM 2009 is complete and the only issue is life getting in the way of our plans post-development.


post-development maybe will be a big limbo if valtron be busy after server changes

Nice! We can wait, don’t worry :wink:
By the way I was thinking… If you were able to patch Windows Live Messenger 2009 this means that next releases (2011 and 2012) can be considered already ready to work. (Or they use something different like protocols or things like them?)

that’s life

and not really since these versions use different protocols; so almost, but not really

WLM 2009 and 2011/2012 use completely different protocols (plus I think 2012 only supports 2011’s protocol, so there’s no way to get that working without implementing the protocol in question). Escargot doesn’t support the 2011/2012 protocol (fully) yet so that will be a nice challenge when the time comes. Same applies to patching 2011 and 2012 as those carry out login procedures and protocol communication in entirely different ways compared to previous versions.


Ok. But everything is ready for msn 2009, so all that remains is to launch, BUT, Not now, because valtron is busy. Right?

If I’m not mistaken

pretty much yes.

So. Msn 2009, if valtron be in summer vacation, will be releasing in 2020 or 2021. Right?

Whenever valtron’s got the free time, most likely.

Ok. So we have to wait. I’ve been waiting for almost a year now, and I’m not complaining. just waiting patiently. Meanwhile i have no computer. so in 2020, i will have.

Explain (the remake)

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I’ve stated this too many times to count, but Escargot has super basic support for MSNP21 (WLM 2011/12) login. Mercury Messenger allows people to use that protocol and so that login’s counted in the statistics and the trolls get their sick kicks, I suppose.


Any News? (Sorry for asking)

If you don’t see me post any updates here regarding the release, then I think it’s pretty obvious there isn’t any new news yet…



Body is cristal clear

how much days valtron has taken on has vacation? (I’m waiting patiently).