[Archive] After a year of being puzzled, we've finally got the WLM 2009 problem solved!

So… Translated in italian

“Gli spaghetti sono pronti!” ? Ci manca ancora il sugo :stuck_out_tongue:

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soooooooo msn 09 coming soon?

Possibly. As stated on the site, development is sporadic, since we’re doing this out of our own time and have other things to attend to. Right now, @valtron has a bunch of code he plans to release that involves a major rewrite to the core of the server, but it’s been about two weeks since he told me that and no response or changes to the repository from him. I would’ve done the rewrite, but it was getting too much for me anyway and I don’t want to come off as pushy.

To conclude, only time will tell. :escargot:


aka rewrite the entire authentication system, making dual-loaded msn installs a crackfest to repatch


Hello, I recently tried to connect Messenger 15 on the server and it recognizes the user and password well but does not enter saying that it has a connection problem. I checked for netstat and it encounters problem when connecting to the address messenger.hotmail.com through port 1863 … My host file is configured connecting to the server inormally through port 80 but does not connect on port 1863, would be the reason the messenger not connect ? I’m using the translator, I’m sorry for any mistake.

obviously not patched, yet alone messenger 15 (aka WLM 2011) isn’t even close to supported since we have to rewrite the authcode first…


The rewrite has nothing to do with the authentication system. It’s just a rewrite to the core of the server and the database. Also, valtron’s been really busy recently, so he hasn’t been able to work on it. And by the way, even if there was a rewrite to the authentication system, it wouldn’t affect your polygamous MSN setup.

After the rewrite is managed, I’ll be reinvestigating Circles since I got a hold of some logs for the invitation process, along with “hidden representatives”, which are internal representations of your relationship in a Circle (member status, role and all that) and see if they’re do-able again. Afterwards, the patches and deployment should go underway.

wait has something hit my head because i swore i remember that you had to rewrite authcode because of wlm 2009 and how it doesnt like the current method of signing in?

so what happened with that?

anyway i’ll probably say that valtron has cosmical disorder. (long story)

That was a problem with one of the DLLs we wrote to aid MSN 7.5+ in connecting to Escargot (msidcrl.dll patch), and that required no rewrite to the server then. In the end, we went with @Raymonf’s idea to use the import table and import a hook DLL from there. Works well with WLM 2009 and we plan to ditch the old msidcrl method of logging in by the time the new stuff is rolled out. :slight_smile:

Explain how you made that conclusion.

cosmical disorder is when you don’t appear online at all, but you still work on code, but very slowly, it seems as if he had quit, but like months later he’ll still update the code, but with a chance with a very vague commit comment, like “Update” and “Chat”, other symptoms include code being inefficient and probably would take too long to compile, with times being as long as possibly hours, or at worst, days.

named after a person who worked on a server I know of, but took 2 years for the code to release offically, and the promises version 2, but considering that it took years just to release something that was already out, it seems like a dead end.

at that point, it was to the contributers to finish the hackjob of what was made from the offical release of the code.

What you’re describing can also be that the developer is just taking away focus from the project and possibly doing other stuff. Escargot isn’t valtron’s full-time job. As for me, I just have more free time on my hands, but even I take breaks from time to time. I actually want to create ideas for my own programs and do other stuff I like.

When it comes to Escargot and valtron, during a good chunk of 2018, he was going through extreme anxiety due to the massive amount of commission work he had to fulfill and whether he could fulfill them to his clients desire. Then when he did have time to himself, his anxiety got in the way and he’d never do anything else. This included Escargot, which resulted in the project being abandoned for several months at the time and me jumping onto the scene.

Also I don’t get the code being inefficient part. The addressbook stuff was initially very clunky, and when writing to the DB, the changes weren’t efficient enough. Luckily, I got assistance on that and got the issue fixed. But for the most part, Escargot has been efficient when testing and it should be efficient when the code goes live.

Basically, I think you’re just complaining that the release isn’t coming out fast enough, and that you want valtron to disregard his life and work on Escargot like a chained slave. It doesn’t work like that, and it’ll never work like that. I think the person you’re talking about that took 2 years to develop his server worked on it for that long because it was probably a lot of work, and took breaks when they needed to. It’s normal for stuff like that to occur during a project, and the best thing you can do is just wait.



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or 2000 C++ templates being used for things they shouldn’t apparently

Just leave the devs alone. I’m pretty sure they’re doing their best to release the next version of an until now allegedly dead IM software, and they’re doing it all FOR FREE


@Cuki87 managed to get Circles and add requests working.
FYI join the Discord to not miss any updates: Discord


any news about msn 2009?


@Cuki87 Made WLM2011/12 clients be able chat on his emulator.


cool any link for download?

Where can we get the JMSNE emulator?

I think it is closed source for the most part. So…