Wat rant rant war war

How do you know? Aaaaa it’s like a Christmas present?

Its not a fake… Valtron is probably working on Wlm 2009… He succeed to loggin on Wlm 2009 its sure at 100%

how i patch it

obv’s, you can’t right now

But how

Which url’s

I need PM @valtron
Ps:PM is Private Message

maybe he test it

ya mean me

and rrww is not dead. try typing in all caps

For “”“Patching”“” WLM9 it is necessary to change the following (A problem is when you login you will get a error “8000ffff” or “80040154”):
Replace msicrdl40.dll to this file (add a “40” to the name) and edit “msnmsgr.exe”
messenger.hotmail.com to m1.escargot.log1p.xyz
gateaway.messenger.hotmail.com to gateaway.m1.escargot.log1p.xyz
rsi.hotmail.com to ersih.log1p.xyz
ows.messenger.com to eowsmsgrmsn.log1p.xyz
http://config.messenger.msn.com/Config/MsgrConfig.asmx to https://escargot.log1p.xyz/etc/MsgrConfig?padding=qqqq

So why did you reply with the patching instructions in the first place? :confused:

ok ok i will edit it

Honestly, if you can’t login with the “patched” WLM 2009, why even keep bits of the reply up? Besides, WLM 2009 support hasn’t been finalized by @valtron yet. So the most logical thing would be to delete your reply. :stuck_out_tongue:

But in the page says: Support is planned for all versions of MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger

I also find it a bit difficult (at least for me) to patch WLM 2011 because the only recococible one is messenger.hotmail.com (and believe me, I spent hours looking in notepad ++ some things to patch)

It seems like Google Translate slipped up in translating one of the words.

For those who aren’t Spanish, recococible, or reconocible, as it is actually spelled, translates to “recognizable.” :stuck_out_tongue:

Basically, he meant that the only recognizable string in the WLM executable was “messenger.hotmail.com
