Please add WebCam

Please add it… i want it so badly :confused:


Escargot is focused on sending and receiving messages. Extra resources may be supported in the future, but not now.

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Ok… >:/

just use msn messenger 7.5

Just to add to what zRioziin already said, I think it’s important to know what you’re really asking for.

Unlike the other aspects of Messenger: customization, emoticons, extensibility (Plus! scripts, etc.), video in Messenger does not hold up to modern standards and video software/services have changed drastically in the past decade.

Even when it came out initially, it was normal for calls to fail because of the peer to peer nature and the various networking setups, ISP restrictions, and other issues. This is why Skype got popular, the reliability and quality of the calls was lightyears ahead of Messenger and the other IM clients. Of course this better quality demanded significantly higher CPU usage and back then I devoted an entire computer for Skype use, just because it was worth it over Messenger’s feature.

In addition, even if webcam/video calls were 100% working now in all versions (2011/2012 aside), they wouldn’t be like they were originally. The resolution of the average computer has gone up, but the resolution of the video is still the same. In other words, the video appears significantly smaller or is stretched and blurred - either way, it’s going to be worse.

Well… the Webcam is not really needed on Escargot, the team is now working at sending and receiving messages. They are also working on Offline messages so… yeah.

I think you can use the webcam if the user you want to share the webcam is in your same network.
If not, then… it doesn’t work.

I understand… i’ll wait then…

I see…

I have never used or seen Messenger’s video capabilities, so I can’t really judge for myself. But from what I’ve seen of Skype’s video capabilities, it seems much nicer than what Messenger probably brought to the table. Maybe those MSN elitists can finally at least have something to stop them from having keyboard wars over “teh fact that MSN iz bet 3tr th&n Skyyp!!11!1!!!”. :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Just realized that I confused webcam chat for voice chat, which is something I haven’t tested at all. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, this is strange, I can’t really test it right now but I’ve been able to use the webcam feature in Escargot WLM 8 (I don’t remember if it was 8.1 or 8.5, but probably the latter) before.

Instead of using an actual camera, I have used ManyCam’s built-in simulated webcam feature (colored background with drawing and effects) and it worked just fine with a friend. He could see me drawing in real-time. Thing is, I don’t know how different it would be for it to work with an actual camera being the source of video, instead of a software. I should try again sometime when I get my hands on a webcam.

Shoot! Realized I had a convo with @Andreso2145 over webcam. :stuck_out_tongue:

The webcam session initialized effortlessly, and if I can remember specifics, the stream was more or less smooth. Not perfect, but near Skype quality. So now I’m kind of divided over which is better. :stuck_out_tongue:


The webcam functionality of Messenger is not bad, is really fine!

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Yes, via the MSN client. :slight_smile:

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i remember using video and audio chat