Leo_Historias Simulator

hello! me is leo and me hates wlm is suck doesnt run on windows 7. begin an game by acting like myself


hi u the person call Weaknees9?!???!?!?
also wlm suck doenst run on window 7

yes me is person called weaknesscell!
wlm is suck yes i cant run windows!
can me be mvp at messenger geek toug?

ou nou u cannt be em pee vee becaus of th e for um doenst have vmp
wlm suck dosnt run on window 7 angryyyy
name are yealllowz121!?!

lik thiz: u clic geur on th e ne w poost buttttt on and buuildd pool

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  • yes it dos ur cant understend tho
  • no it suck and it not work

0 voters

does wlm wook on window 7???

yes and perfect

hi ? ( eu sei que vc e br então não precisa falar em inglens )

ok ( virgula )

why you create this forum

i dont understand it

are you making fun of the way this guy types cause that’s just rude :neutral_face:

i dont understand too but ok

i am replying much fast ?

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lik thiz: u clic geur on th e ne w poost buttttt on and buuildd pool

thats non english and i know yellows111 types pretty well when it comes to english words

so make this real able and not look like jibberish

lik thiz: u clic geur on th e ne w poost buttttt on and buuildd pool

Like this: you click on the new post but on the build pool

i dont know how to translate geur

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w h a t

just translating what yellows111 wrote

already added you

what is your name ? in msn

h i a g a i n


i h a v e m s n 3 . 6

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