Error code 85AE0025

Hi all,

Since a few days, when I want to add a hotmail contact, I have this message : we could not to add to your contact list because a problem has occured. Error code : 85AE005

Y tried to uninstall WLM and MSN plus! , reinstall it, but the problem is still here. When I want to modify my contact list in the menu bar in the settings of messenger plus!, I see the contact I want to add. But it not appear in my contact list I can to call, and when this contact call to me, I can’t to answered to him.

Can you help me ?
Sorry for my bad english, I’m french.

bonjour essayer de m ajouter pour voir si cela fonctionne cordialement

This is a new problem that’s appeared recently which at present can only be dealt with by creating a new Microsoft account and using that new account for Messenger instead.

Unfortunately since Office 365 has taken over, there is no direct way to manipulate Messenger contacts from the server side.

The actual error message behind this error code is “Contact Does Not Exist”, but of course it does exist, so it does seem to be a server error.

Ok, thanks Jonathan Kay. So I’m going to be create a new account because I cannot resolve to stay on skype, I dislike it a lot !

Re, I have another problem. With my new account, I could added my contact. However, when he’s connected, I see him offline, and when I try to call him, it’s open a new window in my browser wich want to connect me to my microsoft account… :confused:

like @trekie said:

For the best reliability you and your contacts should be using Microsoft accounts (Windows Live accounts) that end with, or

My new account is in Thus, Microsoft account… My contact is in, thus Microsoft account too… and any improvement… Is it compulsory to have an account in .com and not in .fr ?

both of yours must be or or

i dont know about you better test with accounts that ends with .com.

if you like to test with me add me: