WLM mobile escargot server

Hi. This post is more directed to the devs.
I have come across this on the internet:


I believe someone made this app for Android mimicking windows Live Messenger. It had this name previously but I guess he changed it because of Google play policy.
I don’t know what server is holding this app. I don’t trust a random Dev around the internet, even more coming from Brazil.

My point is, why not do a similar app to work with escargot server?

there is, in fact, mercury messenger, but it doesn’t look like WLM, despite connecting to the same servers.

the official apps, afaik, are dead for now, no idea if they’ll ever work on Android (and even then, iOS)

The dev whom made CLM did an awesome job graphicwise. This is the most fun part of msn, imo.

Did you realise that the video you link is in spanish and Brazil language is portuguese?
Edit: Mercury seems pretty reasonable as making the mobile msn experience happen again.
I had the official microsoft Windows Live Messenger app for iOS and i should say that mercury is pretty good.

So what? What’s your point?

To be honest, I think the look of CLM is horrible. It does not refer MSN much and has a much more Telegram-like look :stuck_out_tongue:


I have seen your efforts to improve Mercury GUI. and bonus 2 people doesnt like its original skin. And bonus again, CLM has most msn features bundled such as wink and nudge.

I guess the dev could have created his app from ground and have used a custom escargot server. But he could have used other protocol as well.

CLM uses a HTTP server to connect that’s all nothing special with it :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d doubt that. Show us some proof that states that CLM connected to an HTTP server.