WLM 8.5 is here! (lol i'm actually using the beta version so it works :P )

Agora dá CTRL+F e edita os endereços conforme deixado lá no site do Escargot.


Or just use HxD, it’s the easiest way.

N++ iirc has a hex editor plugin but it’s kinda inferior compared to HxD

note when using replace tol in HxD you have to use all to the directions settings

so it says the program is open, and i clearly had closed all the skype and wlm

im using notepad++ and is way way easier.

now it says its not a valid win32 application

Hmmm… haha.


Thanks @Mateus_Rick, I’ll try patching now.

Already patched

vlw ai (zRio, Megadeth)


para de falar chorisso fala pt malucoo

Thanks Mateus, nice work :stuck_out_tongue:

For anyone wanting English quickly, here is the English 8.5 DLL one can replace over with Mateus’ files to change 8.5 into English.


what a nice day :stuck_out_tongue:

oh eaaaaah! Not in vain I tried to patch

i wish WLM 14

time goes quick
why is this not on the escargot website

also: when are we getting that infamous WLM 9.0 beta?