Windows old versions on Real Hardware

vc you beautiful bastard

Today 2019 with XP Home SP3 i have 27 years old soon 28 in January 2020.


Mee too, I’m surviving with Windows xp and also Windows 2000 :smiley: :slight_smile:




instalei o Longhorn 1 vez por curiosidade e era mesmo lixo parecia mesmo um trabalho amateur sem terminar.
o melhor XP que usei era desatendido o design era mesmo top!! nada a ver com outros XP com icones do Vista…

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@veselcraft you own an iphone4 but use a 15 inches monitor yet ? :astonished:

o que você esperava de uma versão BETA? (what you expected from a BETA version?)

o longhorn era realmente um lixo até a compilação 4074

que tinha várias ideias interessantes


hmm you can use vista on this machine but processor makes me nervous
(may be windows vista home premium can work on this)

  1. That is 4S, I bought it for 4k rubles (~60$) (also I have SE)
  2. Yes, because I just don’t need to upgrade my monitor (or I am just lazy)
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Why not a 3GS? Because that supports iOS 6 and that iPhone 4s might suddenly upgrade to 9.2.2.

a iPhone 4S runs iOS 6 with way better performance than a iPhone 3GS, and iOS 6 can’t update to iOS 9.

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yep 4s is better my father had a 5S

or maybe a iPod touch 4g?

3gs is very old


the 4s is too lol

this thread too

Isn’t 5270 just a slightly more refined version of my favorite build, 5259?