What's happening with Escargot today?

I’m not able to connect myself on msn today :open_mouth: i recieve an error 80048821 :frowning:

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Same, everything was working fine several minutes ago

Ohh i hope it will be fixed soon :frowning:

Its probably only a server maintenance

Escargot is on a wobbling status for some users right now.

EDIT/PS: Changed Title of thread to confuse with the actual MSN Today feature.

I just got error 80048821: Email/Password incorrect.

PS: seems to affect the people who just logged on, they can’t, they get a error message.

I got the same problem after I restarted my computer tonight :frowning:

I have a friend which is having the same problem, he can’t log in.

I just logged in, it took 2 minutes, not checked TWN login yet, thats what the newer messenger versions use,
Upd8: TWN is currenty too slow to login with.

yellows111@winmessenger47.escargot - Add Me on Escargot!

It works again, for now.
OMG, adding a contact takes ages…

like i updated my post with, TWN is basiclly unusable.
MD5 Login took a long tiime just to get to the contacts screen.

What is TWN and MD5?

2 of the 5? login protocols that Messenger used.

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Here we go again…

I have the same problem :frowning:

Mine is not working either :frowning:

Who are the developers of Escargot so we can ask them if they know waht is happening?

@valtron is the Escargot developer, but is in vacation and we don’t know in what moment will reappear, and why you was inactive all of this time?

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What do you mean I was inactive?

I mean, without posting anything

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