What VM(s) should I set up?

re: Whistler, I have a big collection of Whistler ISOs too.

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about that ad: you can put your own ad there, just by reshacking messenger exe file or one of those dll files idr

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Please use a proper link

uh… it is a link. but IDK if MessengerGeek allows links that use the FTP protocol to redirect to it. Just copy and paste into the URL and done. not trying to be rude or act smart just say that Messengergeek might not like FTP links, and thus doesn’t redirect, IDK not the creator of the site so it’s just a guess.

  • Windows CE/ Windows Mobile (provide .vhd files for use with vbox lol)
  • Windows 95 OSR2
  • Windows 98SE
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows Longhorn

0 voters

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OK, Windows 2K is the first OS that I am doing as a VM!
Once it’s set up, i will probs ignore its votes

install XP :stuck_out_tongue:

Already done that.


Can you give me a Server 2003 iso?

i used to have lots of ISOs but i no longer have them


i am really bored rn pls help

I found this ISO for Server 2k3. :stuck_out_tongue:

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well i mean i have two isos that have every version of windows from 1 to 2003, i could’ve uploaded those

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Can you use the SECOND ISO to create a plus! digital media edition iso and give that to me, as well as the isos? Use Google Drive to UL the isos pls.

Oof, I’m on a computer without those rn, but I’m gonna get to it when they finish DLing (2.8 GB out of an either 6.2 or 6.4 GB .7z)

We have plenty of views, but we need votes!

Anyway, back to the previous topic (AIO Windows ISOs):

Plus DME ISO: https://www.sendspace.com/file/8q3zex
Windows ISOs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5tP6_FB_b86RWJYNXh0QlQyTms/view

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Windows NT 4.0 Server sp6a

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