Una Idea de Windows XP / A Idea on Windows XP

hola, primero que nada, soy nuevo en esta comunidad y cabe destacar que por eso no se muy bien como funciona esto, ademas mi ingles no es muy bueno… Pero Yo, Edny 45, Tengo un sueño…

Revivir Windows XP.

voy a decir 3 cosas:

  1. Perdon pero creo que elegi el tema equivocado, elegi “Escargot MSN Server” y “Suggestions”, pero talvez me equivoque… Perdon por eso…

  2. Tal Vez lo que quiero decir no tiene que ver con Escargot MSN/WLM pero no he visto otra mejor comunidad para publicar esta idea y por lo que yo he visto, esta es una comunidad muy buena (* ^ ω ^). asi que lo publique aqui

  3. aqui viene mi idea:

Como todos saben, windows XP fue unos de los OS mas usados en el mundo, ademas fue el primero que la mayoria uso, sin embargo el soporte de este OS termino el 2014 si recuerdo bien, y eso significaria que el que lo use despues de dicha fecha estaria dispuesto a varios virus y problemas de compatibilidad con varias aplicaciones, sin embargo, hace unos dias pense en “Wine”, ya deberian conocerlo, Wine Is Not a Emulator, es una aplicacion de linux que le permite a este ajacutar aplicaciones de Windows sin usar emulacion o maquina virtual.

Creo que fue la nostalgia, pero ahi tuve una buena idea…
Ya cuando use wine en mi PC (Con Linux) me di cuenta que permite ejecutar aplicaciones desde Windows (El primero) hasta Windows 10.
Entonces pense, “Si Pudiera Ejecutar WINE en Windows XP, podria ejecutar aplicaciones de windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 ect. en windows XP”
Al pricipio pense que era Inutil, pero luego yo investigue un poco y me di cuenta de que si es posible…

entonces vi que existen aplicaciones como “AndLinux” o “Cygwin”, etc… que pueden ejecutar aplicaciones de Linux (En mi caso WINE) en Windows, probe algunas en una maquina virtual, pero solo me funciono AndLinux en windows XP, sin embargo solo es la Terminal de linux lo que se puede “emular” ahi, use comandos de instalacion de WINE pero solo daba error… Por lo que tengo entendido, NO Funciona en una maquina virtual, O talvez es que la maquina virtual no tenia suficientes recursos (Como RAM, Espacio En el Disco Duro Virtual, Ect…)

Por eso No puedo probar si funciona, pero creo que si funciona, Entonces por eso estoy aqui, Nesecito que algun usuario Que tenga Windows XP descargue AndLinux o otra aplicacion asi y me avise si funciona (Aunque de igual forma, nadie usaria Windows XP en 2019, ademas que aun tiene problemas de seguridad, pero ya eso vere como lo soluciono, no se quejen de eso). si funciona, pienso crear una .ISO modificada que sea de Windows XP + AndLinux o el que funcione… pero ya entendieron.

Porfavor, el que tenga Windows XP, descarguelo y ingrese un comando en la terminal que instale wine, me avisan (^ω~).

Esto es un Experimento social, quiero saber si funciona en XP, de ser asi, tambien funcionaria en Vista o 7, ¿No?

Bueno, Cuento con Ustedes, ya me avisaran, Buenos Dias y se cuidan.
Bye bye (´• ω •`)ノ

Hello, first of all, I’m new to this community and it should be noted that that’s why I do not know how this works, besides my English is not very good … But I, Edny 45, have a dream…

Revive Windows XP.

I’m going to say 3 things:

  1. Sorry but I think I chose the wrong topic, I chose “Escargot MSN Server” and “Suggestions”, but maybe I’m wrong … Sorry for that …

  2. Maybe what I want to say has nothing to do with Escargot MSN / WLM but I have not seen another better community to publish this idea and from what I have seen, this is a very good community (* ^ ω ^). so I posted it here

  3. Here comes my idea:

As everyone knows, Windows XP was one of the most used OS in the world, it was also the first one that most use, however the support of this OS ended 2014 if I remember correctly, and that would mean that whoever uses it after said date would be willing to several viruses and compatibility problems with several applications, however, a few days ago I thought of “Wine”, and should know, Wine Is Not a Emulator, is a linux application that allows this to hack applications of Windows without using emulation or virtual machine.

Maybe it was nostalgia, but there I had a good idea …
When I used wine on my PC (with Linux) I realized that it allows you to run applications from Windows (The first) to Windows 10.
Then I thought, “If I could run WINE in Windows XP, I could run windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 ect. Applications in windows XP”
At the beginning I thought it was useless, but then I did a little research and realized that if possible …

then I saw that there are applications like “AndLinux” or “Cygwin”, etc … that can run Linux applications (In my case WINE) in Windows, try some in a virtual machine, but I only ran AndLinux in windows XP, without However it is only the linux terminal what can be “emulated” there, use WINE installation commands but it only gave an error … from what I understand, it does NOT work in a virtual machine, or maybe it is that the virtual machine does not I had enough resources (Like RAM, Virtual Hard Disk Space, Ect …)

That’s why I can not test if it works, but I think if it works, then that’s why I’m here, I need someone who has Windows XP to download AndLinux or another application like that and let me know if it works (although likewise, nobody would use Windows XP in 2019, plus he still has security problems, but that’s how I’ll solve it, do not complain about that). if it works, I think to create a modified .ISO that is Windows XP + AndLinux or the one that works … but they already understood.

Please, if you have Windows XP, download it and enter a command in the terminal that installs wine, let me know (^ ω ~).

This is a social Experiment, I want to know if it works in XP, if so, it would also work in Vista or 7, right?

Well, I’m counting on you, let me know, Good morning and take care of yourself.
Bye bye (’• ω • `) ノ

Huh, first of all:

  1. There is already “Wine” for xp that super beta(dont recommend installing on real hardware use VM) its called One Core Api GitHub - Skulltrail192/One-Core-API-Binaries
  2. There is the POSReady trick that us XP users updates until april 9th 2019 POSReady 2009 updates ported to Windows XP SP3 ENU - Windows XP - MSFN
    SO basicly XP has been patched for 17/18 years i know thats a lot, but atleast is a little bit more safer then ever :wink: (as long as you tweak to be more secure and use an UPTO date Antivirus/programs your pretty fine :stuck_out_tongue: )
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yes, i know, but is 9/4/2019 and now (till the date) is 29/4/2019, only a few days are missing and again the problems will come …
if you could run wine (from linux) it would be great, right?

as long as you follow msfn.org’s xp category your problems are going to be solved :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks, but ist really possible ejecute games of win10 in xp? im trying it now, but i got somes bugs…

sorry im not a expert at 10

uy… im investigate, is possible with a POSReady.reg, but only is a security Upgrade, i wanna use win 10 aplications in XP, if you found a cheat to make it, say me please

you need alot of kernel editing and even so its not gonna be stable

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my internet is VERY BAD, sorry, but i know it, because i post it here, to get help (My english is Bad)

Hey, i dont have internet, i cant post it, is the wifi of the plaza in my city, please, say me how i can install One-Core-Api in Windows XP?

If your trying to break your XP install with it, sure :stuck_out_tongue:

I just need learn how to install one core api, help me