This doesn’t work for me. (textboxes still don’t work, so not all the winetricks must’ve been installed) It may or may not work for you.
This is a simple script to install MSN Messenger 7.5 on an Ubuntu/Debian-based system. Installs in your current WINE prefix.
if [ ! -f escargot-msn-7.5.0324-en.msi ]; then
echo ‘Downloading Escargot installer’
echo ‘------’
echo ‘------’
echo ‘Installing prerequisites stage 1: Wine/Winetricks’
echo ‘------’
sudo apt install wine winetricks
echo ‘------’
echo ‘Installing prerequisites stage 2: Windows libraries’
echo ‘------’
winetricks corefonts flash gecko msls31 msxml3 riched20 riched30 tahoma
echo ‘------’
echo ‘If the previous commands did not fail, we can now install MSN! If they did, however, exit the installer and try again.’
msiexec /i escargot-msn-7.5.0324-en.msi
echo ‘------’