SpaceHey (Old Myspace clone)

Found another old Myspace revival it looks cool but what is most hilarious to me is that it is ran by a 18 year old who is obviously too young to remember the old internet and 2000s pop culture LOL.

for some reason it looks like it’s filled with random people, compared to SpaceMy. but they look like bots at same time.


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What is Spacemy? :face_with_head_bandage: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

spacemy was some myspace clone that was full of people from the old roblox community and i think the old youtube community. it shutdown recently iirc, haven’t heard anything after that.

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It just sounds like a bunch of zoomers trying to experience something they never experienced LOL at least Friend Project was actually good and targeted people who grew up with Myspace. :joy:

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I searched that and realized that TikTok teens took the site over.

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Yeah which is very disappointing because back in 2014 the site was fun.

My opinion on revival sites like these are mixed because some of them work and are good like Friend Project was or the AIM Yahoo and MSN revivals but a lot of them really don’t work and are kinda shitty like this one or Vidlii.

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Dear god no.

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It may look like YouTube 2009 but the community on there sure doesn’t act like it LOL.

I was there and the community sucks.

Some guy called me a n-word, and one of the mods is hella toxic.

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Well that explains why the animal abuse videos uploaded on there haven’t been taken down.

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I am on there and generally in my opinion VL is okay if you try to ignore about 90% of the community, but honestly i agree, Vidlii is pretty toxic

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I hate how they feel entitled to get paid and they bug you to turn off your adblock.

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True, its dissapointing to hear that it got taken over by TikTok teens.
At least SpaceHey still is good right now

I have a spacehey.

So do I. Here it is