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Like that :
ProjectXP2002: Hey! How I get MS Edge on Windows Vista
Nico: Try installing on a extended kernel, but, first, try run on a working chrome on a extended kernel

Me: Hey xp
Xp: yeah?
Me: can you run roblox?
Xp: before, I can but now I cant because my nt version is very old
Me: bruh

Not in that way, but in that way that i’m making

Sorry if it is old,but i will try.

Windows NT 4.0 VM:How i do play a flash application? I am stuck at FLASH 7.0 which only support AS1/AS2.

congrats you committed ULTRA BUMP

Steam notification sound

hello bump notificer



me: time to downgrade to windows 7 for my dead motherboard
microsoft: angry

1 Like

me: using mac os on a non-apple pc
apple: angry af

Me: Runs Linux on M1 Mac
Apple: Wait, that’s illegal.


Linux: I laugh seeing Microsoft Angry with those things

Sorry fam, that already was taken… like 9 days ago.