couldn’t you just have asked what music I was playing instead
Arch logo and the FF theme stood out more. The tracker didn’t really stand out since its hard to see small white text [especially symbols] on pitch black backgrounds, also I’m more used to seeing GUI tracker software, as the program seen on the Terminal just looked like a bunch of random dots and lines when small. (Blue in my opinion, especially Cyan, stands out more sometimes.)
It’s not NSFW in general, but is associated with a site with NSFW content, specifically art
and worse, it’s a UTTP member according to their youtube channel username. Their content also screams logokid too.
are they screaming racial slurs and screaming “tommy parky” 24/7? If not, then they’re not a true UTTP member.
do you keep 8.1 updated?
nope, still a autistic logokid though
damn you went all out
cant believe its arch!
Okay and? (x2) (I didn’t install Arch because I can’t be half assed to do it again after i tried to do it in a VM, also sorry for the crappy phone photo)
hmmm minty
Ooh, Slackware and GNUStep/Window Maker, noice.
@icanttellyou is secretly a kid O_O
what is uttp?
troll police