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Haven’t posted “in a while” :stuck_out_tongue:


dude 8 months ago


I forgot to put a image on one of my VMs.

Windows ME:

Windows ME sometimes gets unstable and often crash,And the screenshot was made for some reason before it got unstable again. As a result of the instability,this VM was called Crashy.

Deleted Windows NT 4.0 VM:

I deleted it because of the graphic driver.

I fixed it,but i deleted it again.

Windows 2000 Personal:

Realized i still had a Windows 2000 VM,so i changed the wallpaper to one of my favorite Pokemon. which as you can see,It is Teddiursa.


My take.

But Ominous gadgets are knocked after my 2nd monitor disconnected (before that, I put gadgets down.)

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how to read this text

Just view it.

windows 11 in 3 days


back in windows 10

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according to azeem (holy shit, he’s back?), his gadgets got moved randomly when his 2nd monitor randomly disconnected.

now i don’t know what he means by that, was he using his phone/tablet as a second monitor or did he accidentally hit his HDMI/DP/DVI/VGA/whatever cable?

half-assed timelapse of my desktop from september 8th to october 3rd

I’m planning on running this Timelapse for at least a year or 2


how tf did i install updates when windows 11 came out

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Your copy of The Sims is Pirated

i only even have a pirated copy of the sims 3 since when i reinstalled windows 7 back when i was using that old shitty pc, origin didn’t wanted to install.

also my sims 2 install is 100% legit as it has origin DRM.

The Copy of your The sims 3 is pirated,Remove it if you can because you would want someone to see your game and thinking it is pirated and ended up calling the police and you would be imprisoned.

pretty sure pirating a game from 2009 that EA doesn’t even support anymore (aside from a buggy-ass mac-only 64-bit port that was made last year) isn’t the same thing as stealing a million bucks, EA has enough profit from the sims 4 and it’s 8 gazillion packs.

This time,Get Origin using the offline setup,The error message that appears in your video,says that you need to go to the offline setup to download Origin even if you are offline or you have a wifi connection.

fun fact: this issue happens when you don’t have a certain windows 7 update installed, which i already fixed. stop taking things literally.

Do you really think it is true?

can you afford paying every single pack created in the sims franchaise? no?