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You should be aware that at here school have signed to use Zoom (CrapZoom, GarbageZoom, BullshitZoom, whatever).


i also have to use this shit

Thank god i donā€™t need to use it

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lol i use jitsi and youtube i donā€™t get whatā€™s so trash about zoom, itā€™s literally an app that allows you to see eachotherā€™s faces

I use zoom because I donā€™t know.

Even if my school told me to use Zoom (which they donā€™t), I still wouldnā€™t use it.

Windows 7ā€¦ Again :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope this makes it clear

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tell them its an goddamn virus

look, they donā€™t have any other app to choose, teams has a 4-user limit.

What about jitsi?

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I never heard about that, i had to make a Google search.

My school district (?) just uses your same generic apps that other school districts uses, Office 365 (i use it at my home as a way to get ā€œā€œfreeā€ā€ office), Zoom, all of that shit.

Iā€™m wondering if thereā€™s even a school district that uses open source software like LibreOffice (iā€™m sure thereā€™s plenty) and Jitsi.

My school used office 2010 before it closed down. And I use zoom because our teachers are boomers?

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beautiful wallpaper

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Mario in a nutshell


