RIP PC... You will be missed

It seems that my Windows 10 PC has given up on me. After 5 mins of normal use, everything stops responding and crashes. Please help.

It is difficult to complete anything with just this information… A quick output would be formatting it…

formatt and install windows 8.1 or windows 7

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you hate Windows 10 more than anything :stuck_out_tongue:

you are right :smiley:

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Look, this happened alot to me, try checking the hard drive bay, the hard drive may be loose without any cable
If it doesnt help, i really recommend installing windows 7, if it doesnt has drivers, maybe 8.1

My PC doesn’t have a hard drive bay XD

wait WHAT

Well, it’s a REALLY small computer. It’s the size of a 3DS XL. Not even joking.

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so it should have an SSD or an SD card

I’ve seen a laptop gamer with windows 10 the size of nintendo 3ds xl

(Blushes) Senpai?


I’m sorry…

Sorry? But you did not do anything :stuck_out_tongue:

OMG THAT SMALL?! :laughing:

I didn’t know those kind of computers exist! It must’ve been really cheap then. :wink:

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I sent you a sorry card, I didn’t mean to walk away from you.

Senpai…? Hello?

do you wanna get senpai to notice you?

your true s e n p i is this