Ok, @Leo_Historias needs to stay on this forum?, or needs to get out of here?

Ok, i will make here a poll, for watch if people wants to @Leo_Historias to stay here because is a child and he is innocent, or needs to leave this forum because a lot of users are daily disturbed by him, but anothers says that @Leo_Historias is innocent and that, let’s see.


  • Get out of here
  • Stay Here

0 voters

Vote without any fear, your opinion is 100% welcome :smiley:

If anyone wants to add me, feel free and add me: urdanetaa19@gmail.com

He should be banned.

In MSN Messenger and WLM you can block him, but here that’s not possible, so Leo is a big problem in the forum, but not too much big problem in Messenger

Oi blin, I pressed the wrong choice by accident.
The “Stay Here” choice, but I “vote” for “Get out of here”.

it is actually possible to block a user, and it won’t show the users posts, in the user settings if you wanna block someone on MessengerGeek

You can change your vote

I firgured it out xD

Thanks for the info!


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