MSN Explorer

Um… A toddler says more than this guy.


You haven’t seen the comment section of a YouTube video for little kids.
Here’s how it looks like.

as if I haven’t :wink:
I just think it’s a bit rude to assume he’s immediately a toddler, he could damn well be in his teens

He is right. That assumption of yours is just rude.

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I understand Leo not speaking proper english. Because he was a foreigner. But this is fucked up…

Hmm… Not sure if it’s “gibberish” or poorly translated… Since there’s a month old post from December that had broken english.

Hiro suck and download msn explorer

Hiro? Who is Hiro?

Ok it’s just poor english. There’s another person on escargot who has bad english… I’m talking about @Jeremos_Zitnik

might mean “he”, or some downloading service of some kind being trash.

either way, even if you download MSN Explorer it won’t work unless you have that MSN dial-up service or some shit

well to use msn explorer you have to pay to use the service.

deathlife flashback

And nobody used MSN Dial-Up. Everybody used AOL back in the good old days.

I do remember that MSN Explorer was included on pre-SP3 copies of Windows XP. It was removed in SP3 because at that time nobody used MSN Dial-Up. Those who was stuck on dial-up even in the late-2000s were still using AOL or something else.

SP3 copies of Windows XP still have the MSN Explorer though

Also MSN Dial-up is still an option when you run MSN Explorer for the first time.


Well there could have been a update to remove it. GetIntoPC’s version of XP SP3 (the december 2013 SATA version as far as i remember) did not had MSN Explorer.

It could also be because having IE8 or IE7 removes MSN Explorer.

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i’ve always kept IE6 because i saw no reason to update it. that probably explains why i still had it (that and i was using a standard SP3 disk without any included drivers).

The fact is that nobody cared about MSN Explorer… That’s why i only founded this shitty video with the worst microphone i’ve ever founded… EVER.

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He might have tried to say “Gamerappa sucks” since i was a bit rude with him…

MSN Explorer never worked for me. I imagine that it was connected to a specific server or something like that.

Tell me. If nobody cares about MSN Explorer, then why are the dial-up and broadband services still up, along with the MSN Explorer software? :smirk: