Made a new website!

Explain me this?




  Update 2.0: Ads Update!
- Removed PaidLeaf and InfluencerCash ads, they're scams!
- Added Updates page
- Added Google Ads (still need to be approved tho)
- Added some more ads

add ad

adblocker time was likely paid by payprizes for a possitve review, everyone knows payprizes is fake bullshit…

pedrox is dumb adversting this

thats why i use adblock :stuck_out_tongue:

Search “is payprizes legit?” And “is pointsprizes legit?” On Google


still dont trust it

Go and try it yourselves

thats just like diving head first into a bottomless pit. i still dont trust it.

At least the ads are on their own page :stuck_out_tongue:

1 Like

Yea, for now, im stuck on own-ads, but soon im also going to ad Google Ads too

Im not going to remove the own-ads for now

Anyway here is more revews, @Gamerappa

PayPrizes Review - You Will Never Get A Gift Card
PointsPrizes Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of
PointsPrizes Review: Is The Rewards Site Legit or A Waste of Time? - Work At Home No Scams

Nice referral signup… -.-

Honestly if you really really just posted your website for the ads and to get money… No comment man :frowning:

Nope, its for everything made by me, including my server, bot and basically everything

Dude just stop. You aren’t making your situation any better. Just let it go, we’ll forget about it over time.