Looking for AIM contacts to talk to?

Reply to this topic with your account e-mail address and others can add you to their AIM contact lists! Just click on people list, click on find a buddy wizard, select by e-mail addres and paste the e-mail addres that you have copy
For example:


English, Spanish. Spain GMT +1


username stvpls mail stefano_pelizzari@libero.it Italy

elbigotess88@hotmail.com Spain

basically a copy of trekies wlm contact thread but for aim

anyways my screename is EpicTaco404

==> napoleon55fr

is my real username from aol in 2002. but use in the new server

please let your e-mail because its easier for me and othern new AIM users

my email is not in aim but try : napoleon55fr@aol.com
but not work because use username : napoleon55fr

azeemboboy@gmail.com :malaysia: At Malaysia

Screen Name: LifestyleFan1985

Retro 80s & 90s

surf the waves 逸遠ラ

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funfact: you add people by their username in aim, not by their email

Feel free to add me for some chat experimentation…
I’ll do my best to stay.online


My new username account: Filecoder20

My screenname: Tinelix
Languages: Russian, English
Timezone: UTC+7 (MSK+4)
So, i’m 17 years ago.

My Msn Address Has Changed, I would appreciate if you add emirhandincer@escargort.chat

add me: Juan
I live in Brazil
language: Portuguese (Brazil) and English
