My msn is not working, is anyone facing the same problem? Why is this problem being so recurrent recently? At leas 4 days of the week msn is always down during a period of time.
Whats the error? Looks escargot isnt down, as there is ppl online
error: 81000306
It says that there might be a problem with my connection, but i don´t think this is the case, I have a friend who is trying to connect and getting the exact same problem.
Go on inetcpl.cpl
Go to advanced tab
Uncheck (use SSL 2.0/3.0)
And enable TLS 1.0
Then try it
Too for me, get error 81000306.
MSN Messenger 7.5
Whats the OS in the first place
You MUST do that if youre on Windows XP
Its already unchekcked. My OS is Windows 10.
Now is back, but I would really like to know why msn has been so unstable latelly. Is mostly by this time at night that at least 4 days of the week is down.
its usually because the server is overloaded
lmao win xp solution on wide windows 10
He tried to help and I´m thankful for it.