I can't connect to Messenger

Hello, I’ve been trying for some time today to connect to MSN using Escargot to get that sweet sweet nostalgia, but I can’t.

I’m using a Windows XP SP3 Virtual Machine running on Windows 10.
The error I get is that my username or my password doesn’t exist or is incorrect. I have checked my email adress and my password and they are correct.
My error code is 80048821
I’m using MSN Messenger 7.5 FR

Thank you in advance

To get Escargot running on XP, you need IE8 installed, reasonably up to date root certificates and lastly, you will need to go into Internet Options either in the Control Panel or Internet Explorer, go to the Advanced tab and unselect ‘Use SSL 2.0’ and ‘Use SSL 3.0’, as well as turn on ‘Use TLS 1.0’.

You can then test your connectivity by going to https://m1.escargot.log1p.xyz within Internet Explorer and making sure it loads without a connection error (you’ll get a 404 page). If it is not able to connect you will see ‘Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage’.

I did that and I still have the same error
And I tested my connectivity by going on the web page you linked and I do get a 404 page

I realize this may sound silly, but if you had to make changes with the SSL/TLS settings, did you also try restarting XP? On rare occasion I have found this to be necessary to get Messenger working again.

Oh yeah yeah I restarted it, but it still doesn’t work

Alright just checking. Just another small test, try opening up IE again and this time use:
and see if it’s able to download the file (it’ll be 0 bytes though).

Also, to double check, I assume you installed via the 7.5 version on the Escargot site?

In addition, it might be useful to click the ‘Effacer’ link to remove any saved information, and re-enter your username and password.

If still no luck, some other suggestions would be to try 7.0 instead as authentication is a little different there, or maybe installing 7.5 (or newer) on Windows 10 or another VM in order to validate that the account does work elsewhere. You could also even make another account for testing purposes.

The 80048821 message does mean what it says, that it can’t validate your account. Unfortunately, because of the nature of how Messenger works, it’s not too easy to find out the specifics of where the problem is without further debugging (Fiddler for example, if you’re into that).

There we go ! It’s working !
Thank you so much, I’m gonna stay in this forum for a bit, you guys seems to be nice people.

That’s great to hear, I’m glad that worked out.

You will fit right in then :relaxed: