Escargot is unstable?

I’ve been logging into Messenger, and I’m not getting it. Either he accuses misinformation (incorrect e-mail or password) or is “connecting” a long time and does not log on.

while loading, cancel.
connect again.

Don’t work :’(

i don’t know then

same here

on-line :smiley:

my problem is with msi it dont run

Here continue don’t working… :frowning:

escargot is online again.

Here not.

try again. im online right now!

Lol, now works.

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i have errors!

dont work, say same error! i tryed manny times

server off?..

I’m online… it took some aattempts but i’m finally online

It tells me that the account or password is incorrect. Change the password in the web and keep saying the same. The server definitely works very badly. :cry:

I know, the same error for me, but you just have to keep trying

It’s already 6 hours before I try … I got tired. Bye.