Escargot is down

it doesn’t change anything

lemme set my badge real quicc

i don’t care if your regular

what if then

WTF it is really him???

i wouldnt use a crappy laggy client with a weebly-site.

i would use a decent client with a decent site that supports more versions

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Haven’t tried his server as much, but from personal testing with Escargot, MSN 3.6/4.6 isn’t really laggy. :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah but its very inactive that it would shutdown the next month or even the next week

nah mate it’s just Mega’ again

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I allow you to hate on MeowMSN as long as you aren’t gonna be like deathlife

I feel the same way, as I tend to use it more often.

im not gonna be that deathlife.

Well thank you.




"valtron lol"
like he knows his reddit?

Beneath that censor smudge, is @valtron’s actual email name (the text before the “” domain). That’s his Escargot. :stuck_out_tongue:

he doesn’t really own a hotmail account…

Unless you already know his Escargot (please for the love of all good don’t reveal it. I don’t want random people to nag him), it is a Hotmail email address. :stuck_out_tongue:

you do know all “new contacts” that you add are NEVER sent to the server… right?

I am legitimately confused about what you’re talking about right now.

Also, he had sent me his Escargot via email. :stuck_out_tongue: