Entity Solve (Puzzle Interactive Game)

homestar runner

yeah sorry for not responding while the forum was getting revamped
sounds great

Section 7:Russian

думайте о том, что вам нужно. Я русский. это наше дело для вас. -Terrence

Hint:think the spoken word.

dūmajtie o tom, čto vam hūžno. Ja rūsskij. eto hašie dielo dlja vas.


this is starting to get not really mysterious


i shit my pants seeing that


Section 8:Slovak

ya tak schastliv. vremya dolzhno byt’ polchasa. otremontirovat’. -Terrence
Hint:Turn slovak into russian.

oh crap i dont have a russian keyboard

Answer:я так счастлив. время должно быть’ полчаса. отремонтироват
why’s taking so long?

No one has a Russian keyboard.

i’d just like to set my own thing to decode here,
and no, it’s not morse code.

wow it got found out in 5 nanoseconds, welp

We need collaboration to create The Sections.

It’s a SSTV signal.

sstv mmmmm

just sprinkled a little in 8)

now how do i decode it on linux

seem section 9 was not here,
all sections was done, the game will be created by RenPy.


I was not alone.

There are no entities.

I want you Terrence.

To manipulate the code.

My name is Gerald.