[Archive] After a year of being puzzled, we've finally got the WLM 2009 problem solved!

Esto estará listo como para el año 3.000 jajajajajajajajajajaja

You are really desperate for WLM 2009 aren’t you, Reverse engineering a platform takes time and with little devs it’s hard to do



that part of developing is pretty much done, the only changes left are serverside but that’s stalled because of valtron’s full-time job, and him being the only one who can deploy 2009 since OHTITG doesn’t really have access to the server

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Also building pre-patched installers, which is kind of a layered process from how I’d imagine it right now.

I also asked a certain someone on the forum if they’d be interested in helping with server matters (I already mentioned their name but I don’t want to hype it up too much again; I’ll just say they’re a very well known and knowledgeable person on here), but so far they haven’t responded back to me about it yet. It’d really be nice if they do get the clear on that though.


I’m glad to announce that the person who just gained remote server access is… @TReKiE ! He’s getting the migrations prepared and I assure you he’ll be putting things back into gear in due time.


Sweet! Hopefully everything else goes smoothly.

Nice! The hype is back!! :stuck_out_tongue:


I am not desperating, i just want the old nostagic to come back. Is just this lol.

Oh ok, that’s good news… But any release date? Please?

There is no release date, 100% of “release dates” you have seen are largely guessings that haven’t worked.

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i guess by next year?

Omg, when this development will gonna take and when is gonna be a release date omg :stuck_out_tongue:

Nooo. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s a bit of a stretch to go for right now. Besides it’s the beginning of the year. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s already done, The installers haven’t.

For some reason, there’s always this misconception that WLM '09 developement isn’t finished, likely due to the sign of no release date. However, developement was finished since February 2019-ish, most activity on Escargot has been about Yahoo, which never seems to be talked about.

i’d say it was finished around early summer, because thats when ohhtitg got circles working

also you might want to update the site with this information :wink:

Don’t think it’d be appropriate to do that just yet. Maybe when WLM 2009 support is officially out? :stuck_out_tongue:

That would be much better. :stuck_out_tongue:. atleast it might take less time now that trekie has access to the server. :stuck_out_tongue: