[Archive] After a year of being puzzled, we've finally got the WLM 2009 problem solved!

and @valtron


hopefully it can be released in either august or september, at least if not after a few weeks


I got an error, but it managed to sync my data.

What did you try to connect to escargot? Is it the typical hosts?

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I used the host patcher.

the support is almost right
i can feel it
i can fEeL THe SPeEd.

me too


Anxious for it. :smiley:

@OhHelloThereImTheGuy will OIMs be released with WLM09 support?

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Yes. The OIM system has stayed the same since it’s inception in 7.0/8.0 (8.0 introduces sending OIMs), and so it should be the same in WLM 2009.


what? I can’t believe OIM already works. Everytime I tried, I got an error

It’s not live, but it’s going to be released with WLM 2009 support. I just meant MSN’s OIM system hasn’t changed since it was introduced, meaning WLM 2009 shouldn’t have any difficulty with OIMs when those are released.

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a stupid question… what is OIM?

OIMs are offline instant messages.

Thank you for your inquiry. :stuck_out_tongue:

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So, is there a way to get it to work early? I like testing things!!!

If you’re planning to try to host what’s been finished on your own hardware, then I strongly advise you to not do that. Not only will group chat management be partially broken, but I’m trying my best to get this release going forward, so putting up the unreleased server for everyone to use will kind of spoil things (plus it won’t work with accounts on the Escargot instance D:).

Anyways, you can go to the master branch on the GitLab (that’s where the latest code is being pushed to now) and follow the contribution instructions to get the server set up. :stuck_out_tongue:

k, thank you